We want to let you know about an exciting partnership opportunity. The Vancouver Chopin Society is initiating a teacher partner programme. For an annual fee of $50, teacher-partners will:

1. have their names included on a teachers list which will be a part of our website. This is a great way to promote your teaching studio with potential students.
2. receive special discounts to our recitals.
3. have the opportunity to have their student recitals organized by The Vancouver Chopin Society. Although teachers are responsible for the cost of the recital, you would be able to avail yourself of our resources in the organization of recitals for your students.

To enroll in our teacher-partner programme, please mail a cheque to the amount of $50 to The Vancouver Chopin Society, 400 – 601 West Broadway Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., V5Z 4C2, along with the name you would like listed in our teacher-partner directory, as well as your professional qualifications or studio website address.

This is a pilot project for our society. At this point, we would therefore like to keep everything flexible, until we can make firm plans for the programme in future.

Yu-Ting Stevia Gong – https://www.yutinggong.com/
David Vandereyk – http://www.pianolessonsvancouver.com
Jasmine Zhuo – email: 985219828@qq.com (teaching in Surrey)