Making a bequest in your will for the Vancouver Chopin Society would allow you to continue to support us, and to ensure the continued fiscal health and strength of the VCS, leaving a lasting legacy for you, your family members or loved ones, or anyone whose name you wish to honour.
You can designate a specific dollar amount, a particular asset of a fixed percentage of your estate to the VCS. The designated amount would then be donated to the VCS for use at the discretion of the Board of Directors. You can also direct your bequest towards a particular purpose or programme, or add a codicil to your existing Will.
VCS will issue an official receipt for the full value of the Will bequest. This receipt could then be used to reduce the tax payable on your final return.
If you are considering such a gift for the Vancouver Chopin Society, we recommend that you consult your legal and/or financial advisor. They would be able to assist you in preparing your will, or in adding a codicil to your existing Will, accordingly.
For further information, please contact Vince Cardella, long-time member of the VCS’s Board of Directors, at 604-871-4450, or by e-mail.
Our legal name: The Vancouver Chopin Society
Our charitable business number: 88169 1562 RR0001