For the benefit of the community we still maintain modest subscription and ticket prices. However we need additional funds. Ticket sales are a small part of our revenue. Please consider a gift to the Vancouver Chopin Society.
All of your gifts to The Vancouver Chopin Society (VCS) are tax deductible because VCS is a registered charity. Our charitable number is: 88169 1562 RR0001
Depending on your contribution, you become one of the following:
- Patron ($5000+)
- Sponsor ($1000-$4999)
- Benefactor ($500-$999)
- Friend ($100-$499)
- Other ($20 – $99)
Donation Details
You can donate money or your securities through CanadaHelps organization by clicking one of the buttons below:
Or you can fill in the form below and send a cheque to the Vancouver Chopin Society.
The Vancouver Chopin Society.
#400-601 West Broadway Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4C2