March 1 (12 -6 pm)
March 2 (11 am – 8 pm
March 3 (11 am – 8 pm)
Tom Lee Music
728 Granville St.(Click for directions)
The Vancouver Chopin Society’s (VCS) Youth Club Launch and Debut Event – A Chopin Piano Marathon!
To celebrate the birthday of Frederic Chopin, which falls on March 1st, 2024 as well to raise money for the newly formed VCS Youth Club, The Vancouver Chopin Society, the Polish Consulate in Vancouver, and Tom Lee Music are jointly presenting a Chopin Piano Marathon.
Our goal is to have 200 pianists participate and raise $5000 in donations from March 1st to 3rd, 2024, a three-day event to be held in Tom Lee Music Hall, 728 Granville Street, Vancouver.
1. Every performer will receive a Certificate of Appreciation from The Vancouver Chopin Society, a souvenir from Poland’s Chopin Institute, and a gift card generously donated by Tom Lee Music.
2. Every performer will receive two complimentary tickets for Yefim Bronfman concert on April 16 at the Orpheum Theatre.
3. Every performer will automatically become a founding member of the VCS Youth Club.
a) Every member will get priority access to upcoming master classes/workshops sessions with top international Chopin scholars.
b) Members will get opportunity to perform in special events organized by the VCS Youth Club.
c) Teachers who send students to marathon will receive a recognition certificate and a special discount to our regular concert series tickets.
By committing to units of one-hour performance time slot for your students, you are giving them a wonderful opportunity to showcase their talent, and affording them the privilege of performing under the auspices of The Vancouver Chopin Society. We plan to have 8 to 10 students performing per hour for three days to make up a total of 24 hours for the Chopin Marathon – March 1st (12 – 6 p.m.), March 2nd (11 -8 p.m.), March 3rd (11 – 8 p.m.). Each student is to perform one piece by Chopin. We are asking each student to pledge $25 in support of this fundraising effort. Each teacher will collect from the participating students and submit the total amount at the marathon. Tax receipts and certificates will be sent after the marathon. Teachers should provide their mailing address so that tax receipts and certificates could be mailed to them.
To register for this incredible performance opportunity for your student, please fill out the registration form for the students (see links below) who will be performing and send it via email to Anna Pietrzak marathon@chopinsociety.org before February 20th. As the popular time slots are limited and will be assigned on a first-come-first served basis, please submit early.
We hope that you and your students will join us in this exciting endeavour.
Download the registration format in pdf format
Download the registration format in Word format
Download poster
Please read below guidelines for Marathon
Musically yours,
Patrick May Anna Pietrzak
President Chopin Marathon Project Manager
Guidelines for Marathon
- The festival will run from Friday, March 1st (12:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.), Saturday, March 2nd (11 a.m. to 8 p.m.) and Sunday, March 3rd (11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.).
- The day will be divided into one-hour performance segments. Each hour would accommodate a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8 students, with a total performance time of 55 minutes.
- Each teacher would be assigned one 1-hour performance segment. Any teacher with more than 8 students might be assigned two 1-hour performance segments.
- Any teacher presenting fewer than 6 students would share a 1-hour performance segment with another teacher, or teachers.
- Teacher(s) assigned to one 1-hour performance are responsible for ensuring the total performance time not to exceed 55 minutes.
- The teacher or his or her appointed adult representative must be present with his or her students during his or her 1-hour performance segment.
- The teacher should bring students not later than 20 min before the performance hour.
- The performance schedule will be strictly observed.
- Money raised by students is to be forwarded to his or her teacher. The teacher would then forward the total amount raised to The Vancouver Chopin Society.
- If the response to this celebration is overwhelming, The Vancouver Chopin Society reserves the right to limit the number of students presented by each teacher.
- The address of the student in application form should be entered only if a tax receipt is required.
- Vancouver Chopin Society reserves the rights to photographs, records, or the videos submitted by participants for usage in marketing material. No extra fee will be paid to the participants .By entering the marathon, registrants automatically agree to accept and abide by these Rules and Regulations.
To celebrate Chopin’s birthday and benefit VCS Youth Club, Vancouver, March 1-3, 2024
Friday, March 1st
1 pm
1. Karen Yin-Rui Bai (Rachel Yang Yang ) – Waltz in C# minor, Op. 64, No.2 (4’)
2. Isabelle He (Rachel Yang Yang ) – Chopin Valse Op.69 No.1 in A flat Major (4’)
3. Melody Zhu (Rachel Yang Yang ) – Polonaise in Ab Major, Op.posth.B5 (4’)
4. Cayden Chen (Rachel Yang Yang ) – Prelude in E minor, Op 28, No4 (2’)
5. Nolyn Chen (Rachel Yang Yang ) – Polonaise in G minor, Op. posth.B1 (2’)
6. Judy Kang (Maureen Ramsbottom) – Berceuse Op. 57 (5’)
7. Carmelito Bao (Maureen Ramsbottom) – Polonaise Op. 26 No.1 (7’ )
8. Felix Lun (Wang Pengpeng) – Polonaise in G# minor (5’30)
9. Clara Wyatt (Jan Baxendale) Waltz Op. 69 No 2 in B minor (5’)
3-5 pm Opening Ceremony
5 pm Corey Hamm’s students
10. George Wang – Fantasie-Impromptu, Op. Posth. 66 (5’)
11. Ethan Wang – Etude Op.25, No. 2 (2’)
12. Paul Wang – Grande Polonaise Brillante Op. 22 (9’)
13. Evan Zhang – Preludes Op.28, No. 4 , 6 (6’)
14. Fergus Kwan – Ballade No. 1 in G minor, Op. 23 (9’)
15. Logan Choi – Ballade No. 2 in F Major, Op. 38 (7’)
16. Jian Horrian – Ballade No. 3 in Ab Major, Op. 47 (7’)
17. Linda Ruan – Ballade No. 4 in F minor, Op. 52 (11’)
Saturday, March 2nd.
11 am
18. Junqing Ding (Jennifer Wang) – Waltz in E minor. Op. Posth. (4’)
19. Isita Paneri (Dunja Bohinc) – Nocturne in C# minor, Op. Posth. (4’40)
20. Cara Qi (Dunja Bohinc) – Waltz in A minor, Op. Posth. (2’40)
21. Jacqueline Lin (Dunja Bohinc) -Nocturne in E b Major, Op. 9 No.2 (5’)
22. Joshua Hong (Wayne Weng )- Waltz in Ab major, Op. 34, No. 1 (5’30)
23. Lyle Zhao (Wayne Weng ) – Waltz in Db Major, “Minute,” Op. 64, No. 1 (2’)
24. Gabriel Sun (Wayne Weng )- Waltz in E minor, Op. Posth. (3’30)
25. Lucas Yao (Wayne Weng ) -Impromptu No.1 in Ab major, Op. 29 (4’30)
26. Julia Gao (Wayne Weng )- Prelude in Db Major, “Raindrop,” Op. 28, No. 15 (6’30)
27. Ryan Hong (Wayne Weng ) – Etude in F major, Op. 10, No. 8 (2’20)
28. Wilson Hu (Wayne Weng )- Etude in C Major, Op. 10, No. 1 (2’40)
29. Verity Leung (Wayne Weng )-Ballade No. 2 in F Major/A minor, Op. 38 (8’)
30. Rachel Wei (Wayne Weng )- Sonata No. 3 in B minor, Op. 58 (30’)
4 pm
31. Galip Chen (Shantha Gunasekera) – Preludes Op.28, No. 16 & 24 (4’30)
32. Jolin Ma (Shantha Gunasekera) – Nocturne in Eb Major Op.55, No. 2 (5’)
33. Phoebe Cai (Shantha Gunasekera) – Waltz in Eb Major Op.18 (5’30
34. Dominic Yang (Jerome Yang)- Nocturne in C# minor Op. 27, No. 1 (5’40
35. Brian Sun (Anne Wilson Unger) -Ballade No. 3 in Ab Major, Op. 47 (8’)
36. Xiaodi Huang (Yikai Zhang) – Waltz in B minor, Op. Posth. 69, No. 2 (5’)
37. Matthew Liang (Yikai Zhang) – Waltz in A minor, Op. Posth., B 150 (2’)
38. Tiger Wu (Henri-Paul Sicsic) – Ballade No. 3 in Ab Major, Op. 47 (10’)
5 pm
39. Owen Gao (Karin Wang) – Waltz in B minor, Op.69, No.2 (4’)
40. Lukas Kan (Fafan Xiao) – Ballade No.1 G minor Op.23 (10’)
41. Olivia Ouyamg (Fafan Xiao) Waltz in A minor (3’)
42. Travis Li (Fafan Xiao) – Valse in E minor, Op. Posth. (4’)
43. Sophie Lao (Ingrid Fast) – Nocturne in C# minor, Op.27 No.1 (6’)
44. Tristan Zhang (Michelle Hsieh) – Waltz in B minor Op. 59. No.2 (3’)
45. Amy Lin (Jessica Xu) Nocturne in E minor Op. 72, No 1. (4’20)
6 pm
46. Kate Phung (Patrick May) – Waltz in B minor, Op. 69, No. 2 (4’)
47. Carter Kwong (Patrick May) – Nocturne in C# minor, Op. Posth. (5’)
48. Isaac Howie (Patrick May) – Nocturne in Bb minor, Op. 9, No. 1 (7’)
49. Dominic Howie (Patrick May) – Polonaise in G minor, Op. Posth. B1 (3’)
50. Bruce Yu (Carl Petersson) – Ballade No.1 in G minor (10’)
51. Seraphine Ge (Carl Petersson) – Waltz in A minor Op. Posth B.150 (3’)
52. Joshua Kwan (Carl Petersson) – Etude Op.10, No.2 (2’)
6:50 pm Michael Chen’s students
53. Aaron Yulun Chen – Polonaise in G# minor, Op. Posth. B6 (5’)
54. Aria Chuchun Chen – Nouvelle Étude No.1 in F minor (2’)
55. Oceana Zheng – Waltz in A minor, Op. Posth. B 150 (3’)
56. Izabella Fu -Nocturne in Ab Major, Op. 32 No.2 (7’)
57. Antony Jin – Prelude in A Major, Op. 28, No. 7 (2’)
58. Tad Wong – Prelude in Ab Major, Op. 28, No.16 (4’)
59. Isabella Gu – Waltz in A minor, Op.34, No.2 (5’)
60. Olivia Gu – Waltz in Eb Major, Posth. (2’)
61. Alex Li – Mazurka A b Major, Op.59, No 2 (3’)
7:30 pm
62. Steven Fang (Stevia Gong) – Nocturne Eb major, Op. 9, No.2 (5’)
63. Edward Yu (Tanya Shevtsova) – Nocturne No.20 in C# minor (4’)
64. Berton Yang (Angela Song) – Waltz in A flat major Op.34 No.1 (5’30)
Sunday, March 3
11 am Rebecca Chan’s students
65. Matthew Yeung – Waltz in E minor Op. Posth. (4’)
66. Vanessa Chiu – Nocturne in Eb Major, Op.9, No.2 (5’)
67. Samantha Chiu – Waltz in A minor, Op. Posth. B 150 (3’)
68. Juno Soe – Fantasy-Impromptu in C# minor, Op.66 (7’)
69. Chloe Pang – Waltz in B minor, Op.69, No.2 (4’)
70. Alice Huang – Nocturne in Eb Major, op.9, no.2 (5’)
71. Matthew Moi – Nocturne in Bb minor, Op.9, No.1 (6’)
72. Chloe Wang – Waltz in A minor, Op. Posth. B 150 (3’)
73. Chelsea Huang – Etude in E Major, Op.10, No.3 (6’)
74. Maxwell Gao – Polonaise in Ab Major, Op.53 (7’)
12 pm
75. Tamara Tsui (Dina Corrado) – Nocturne in Bb minor, Op. 9, No. 1 (5’45)
76. Olivia Jayetileke (Jean Brown) – Waltz in B minor, Op.69, No.2 (3’30)
77. Lydia Ma (Jean Brown) – Fantasie-Impromptu (6’)
78. Vanessa Nguyen (Holly Duff) – Waltz in B minor, Op.69, No.2 (3’30)
79. Leslie Nip – Polonaise in C# minor, Op.26, No.1 (6’)
80. Agnes Zou (Yaqi Xiang)- Waltz in A minor, B.150 Op. Posth. (2’45)
81. Wendy Wang (Yaqi Xiang)- Waltz in B minor, Op. Posth. 69. No. 2 (4’)
82. Emi Nishimuta – Nocturne in C# minor, Op. 27, No. 1 (5’40)
12:50 pm Daria Fedorova and Ilya Takser’s students
83. Andrea Mao – Prelude in E minor op. 28, n.4 (2’)
84. Sophia Wang – Mazurka Op.7 No. 4 and 5 (4’)
85. Miles Song -Waltz in A minor B.150 (3’)
86. Kevin Meng – Mazurka Op. 67 no. 2 (2’30)
87. Olesya Krems – Mazurka Op. 17, No. 2 E minor, Mazurka Op. 63, No 2 in. F minor (5’)
88. Bryan Chen – Mazurka Op. 67 No. 1, G Major (2’30)
89. Alisa Li – Nocturne Op. 72, No. 1, E minor, Nouvelle étude No. 1, F minor (8’)
90. Kai Yee Li – Etude Op 25, No. 2 (2’)
91. Eric Chen – Nocturne Op. 62, No. 1, Ballade Op. 47, No. 3 (16’)
Daria Fedorova & Ilya Takser – Mini lecture on Mazurkas with demonstrations
2 pm Dr. Sun Sung Kong and Cindy Liu’s students
92. Stephanie Liu – Impromptu No.1 in A flat Major (4’30)
93. Vicky Mo – Polonaise in G # minor, Op. Posth. (4’30)
94. Giulianna Chen – Nocturne No.2 in Eb Major, Op 55 (5’30)
95. Jessica Wang – Ballade No.1 in G minor, Op. 23 (9’30)
2:30 pm
96. Matthew Cheung (David Vandereyk) – Andante Spianato and Grande Polonaise Brilliante Op. 22 (15′)
97. Caeden Lau (David Vandereyk) – Scherzo Op. 20 No. 1 in B minor (10’)
98. Liliana Leung (David Vandereyk) – Polonaise in G minor B. No. 1 (3’)
3 pm
99. Colyn Li (Noel McRobbie ) – Variations brillantes, Op. 12 (8’)
100. Alvin Lau (Noel McRobbie ) – Ballade No. 1 in G- minor, Op. 23 (10’)
101. Jake Louie (Noel McRobbie) – Waltz in Eb Major, Op. 18 (5’)
3:30 pm
102. Evelyn Wang (Tina Lee) Nocturne in Eb Major,Op.9, No.2 (4’)
103. Hillary Qu (Tina Lee) – Valse in E minor, Op. Posth, B 56 (3’)
104. Remy Chen (Tina Lee) – Etude, Op. 25, No. 11 “Winter Wind (5’50)
105. Harryson Moon (Tina Lee) – Etude, Op. 10, No. 12 “Revolutionary (4’)
106. Jessica Yue Xu (Tina Lee) – Valse in A minor, KK IVb Nr. 11 (3’30)
4 pm
107. Joanne Shou (Nancy Chang) – Nocturne in E minor, Op.72, No.1 (4’50)
108. Liren (Olivia) Wang (Nancy Chang) – Waltz in B minor, Op.69, No.2 (4’50)
109. Cherice Lam (Nancy Chang) – Waltz in A minor, Op. B, 150 (2’00)
110. Samantha Liao (Nancy Chang) – Albumleaf in Eb Major Posth. (2’10)
111. Tristan Rory Lai (Jane Chao) – Waltz in A minor Brown Index 150 (3’)
112. Rigel Antares Lai (Jane Chao) – Polonaise in G minor op. Posth., B1 (5’)
113. Chloe Wu (Jane Chao) – Preludes, op.28 no.4 in E minor (2’)
114. Cindy Huang (Jane Chao) – Mazurka in A minor op.7 no.2 (4’)
115. Stephaine Wu (Jane Chao) – Waltz No.18 in E flat Major, B. 133 (2’)
116. Wendy Cao (Jane Chao) – Nocturne in E minor Op.9 No.2 (4’)
117. Vivian Yang (Jane Chao) – Nocturne in E minor Op.9 No.1 (5’)
118. Isabel Shang (Jane Chao) – Nocturne in C# minor no.20 (5’)
5 pm Jasmine Zhuo’s students
119. Cheng Xu – Prelude Op.28, No.7 (1’)
120. Junyu Chen – Waltz in A minor. Op. Posth. B 150 (2’40)
121. Viveka Liu – Prelude Op.28, No.7 (1’)
122. Mary Maya Murali – Waltz in A minor. Op. Posth. B 150 (2’40)
123. Joseph Zhang – Mazurka in A- minor, Op.7, No.2 (3’25)
124. Vincent Liu – Polonaise in G minor, Op. Posth. B (3’15)
125. Leo Zhang – Prelude Op.28, No.7 (1’)
126. Brendan Bai – Nocturne in Eb Major, Op. 9, No. 2 (4’30)
127. Oliver Song – Waltz in Db Major, Op.64, No.1 (2’25
5:30 pm Jason Ng’s students
128. Harry Pan – Mazurka in A flat Major, op. 24, no. 3 (3’00
129. Layna Chen – Waltz in B minor, Op. Posth. 69, no. 2 (4’30)
130. Tom Huang – Nocturne in C# minor, Op. Posth., B 49 (5’)
131. Amanda Pan – Waltz in B minor, Op. Posth. 69, no. 2 (4’30)
132. Lucien Lu – Nocturne in C# minor, Op. Posth., B 49 (5’)
133. Rina Chen – Fantaisie-Impromptu in C # minor, Op. 66 (6’)
134. Catherine Ming – Nocturne in C# minor, Op. Posth. B 49 (4’30)
135. Alex Liu – Waltz in B minor, Op. Posth. 69, No. 2 (4’30)
136. Jaden Li – Nocturne in C# minor, Op. Posth. B 49 (5’)
137. Ivan Tong – Nocturne in E minor, Op. Posth. 72, no. 1 (5’)
138. Xiuming Li – Ballade in G minor, Op. 23 (10’)
7 pm Libby Yu’s students
139. Jinghan Chu – Nocturne in E minor, Op. Post (4’)
140. Karina Cheng -Waltz in C # minor, Op. 64, No. 2 (4’30)
141. Serena Yuan-Etude Op. 25, No. 1 “Aeolian Harp” (3’)
142. Vania Hsu – Nocturne in Bb minor, Op. 9, No. 1 (5’30)
143. Dawson Xie – Fantasy-Impromptu (6’)
144. Audrey Tai – Nocturne in D b major Op. 27, No. 2 (6‘)
145. Mina Stefanovic – Scherzo No. 2 in Bb minor (11’)
146. Austin Ng – Ballade No. 4 in F minor, Op. 52 (12’)
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